For permanent exhibition on globe-shaped display "Geo-Cosmos" set in the Symbol Zone of Miraikan, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, we directed 8-min piece of content with the theme of human migration, which consists of data visualization. Various incidents which can be retrieved through scientific data surrounding the globe are presented with beautiful data visualization without using words for explanation as much as possible. We can intuitively grasp an overview of human migration and various incidents by watching this art piece.
Beautiful High-definition display
This has significant presence by fully utilizing the charm of high resolution globe-shaped display which can show 1 pixel in 6K.
As facets will change depending on viewpoints, everyone can enjoy 360-degree infographics from each and every angle.
During the length of 8 minutes, this piece has nine (9) parts of data visualization on the canvas of the globe where the earth and human migration are depicted. Its highlights are as follows:-
While a feature part of this piece faithfully follows scientific data, we tried to abstractly express the images of the earth before congelation of magma in ancient times in the intro part - Ancient Movement. Since all parts of a feature are based on correct data visualization, the tone of abstract images is used for expression in this intro part.
●INTRO 「Ancient Movements」
科学に忠実な本編に対して、Ancient Movementsとしてイメージしたイントロは、古代のマグマが固まる前の地球のイメージを抽象的なに表現したパートです。ここから続く本編は、すべて正確なデータビジュアライゼーションによるパートになるため、イントロパートでは抽象的なイメージで作品のトーンを表現しました。
How continents of the earth have changed and transformed into the current forms? How human ancestors have spread all over the world from Africa? We created animation sequences which will give you a feel for the speed of such spread.
*“CONTINENTAL DRIFT” References: Northern Arizona University
- Transition of Maps
Various maps before the Age of Discovery when people did not realize global shape of the earth have been layered over the current shape of the earth, which illustrates how the ridge lines of the earth recognized by the human race have changed.
For layering over the shape of the globe various maps of the time when the earth was believed to be flat, we collaborated with Mr. Hajime Narukawa who invented Authagraph projection.
- GPS satellites / QZ satellites - The earth drawn by GPS satellites:
Using 52 Artificial satellites (which number is available at the time of production of this piece), people can obtain the data of their location wherever they are located on the earth. We also draw the orbit of Japan's satellite system "MICHIBIKI" (QZS) which measures the position information with high accuracy.
By depicting how the human race has recognized total picture of the earth by voyage and/or measurement since ancient times and how such total picture has changed, it is also possible to understand how the earth on which the human race lives has been recognized as well as its transition.
- Aviation / Ocean Vessel / ISS:
We used visualization of graphics so that you can have a feel for timescale contained in relevant data such as annual number of marine navigation by ocean vessels, load capacities, speed of ISS (International Space Station). For airplanes, you will notice some of flights leave in the night which will arrive at the destination in the morning to meet human activities in the daytime. *Date provided by: Chuo University Toriumi laboratory
データ提供: 中央大学 鳥海研究室
-Land Route / Railway Line:
You will also notice how land routes and railway lines are spread as they are layered over land form and the shape of nations
For data visualization, we have created our own production applications such as the one which can be intuitively used as a tool for production assistance over global screen.
データのビジュアライゼーションのために独自の制作アプリケーションをいくつか開発しました。 球体スクリーンで直感的に制作していけるような制作支援ツールが主です。
omni Geo view
This is the system of simulating how a permanent program exhibition screened at Symbol zone of Miraikan will actually look like. As motion graphics being drawn up can be reflected over the spherical body real-time, it is possible to proceed with the production while grasping an image of how it looks like in Symbol zone of Miraikan.
常設展示として上映される日本科学未来館のシンボルゾーンでの実際の見え方をシミュレーションできるシステム。 描画中のモーショングラフィックスがリアルタイムで球体に表示され、シンボルゾーンでどのようにみえるか感覚的に把握しながら制作していけるシステムです。
By using data of satellite location released by JAXA, this system can draw locations of GPS satellites.
This is a creative tool for drawing the route based on the file containing the route map in eps format.
While we were requested to draw complicated route map in 6K resolution, this application made it possible to draw in several minutes by RAM rendering. Change of colors, speed of drawing lines, direction of drawing, etc. can be controlled by parameter. We can also easily repeat the process of changing colors, the speed of connecting lines, etc. by trial and error.
EPSの路線マップから、ルートを描画していくクリエイティブツール。 6Kの解像度での複雑な路線図の描画が要求されましたが、それをRAMレンダリングによって数分で描画できるシステム。パラメーターで色や線が描かれるスピード、描画の方向などを操作できます。 色や、つながっていくスピードなどトライアンドエラーしながら容易に繰り返すことができました。
Client |
Director |
Motion Graphic Designer |
Development |
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