Motion graphic project with the theme of "Time on the Globe", which was planned and produced for "Geo-Cosmos Content Contest 2015" at "Miraikan", National Museum of
Emerging Science and Innovation, in Tokyo Japan. By watching this project, it is possible to intuitively learn a general idea about the time on the globe where we live.
Original version of this project for globe-shaped display (which won an award of "Geo-Cosmos Content Contest 2015") was initially aimed for exhibitions at "Geo-Cosmos", area symbolic of "Miraikan", which has eventually developed into "Web Content version" and "VR version". Featuring "infographic animation about the science and the nature in the style of music clips, this project pursues the possibility of new science educational content which people can understand intuitively.
"Geo-Cosmos Content Contest" at "Miraikan"
The mission of this contest is to explore new possibility and ways of expression for "Geo-Cosmos", which is regularly held as a part of "Tsunagari" project at "Miraikan":
「日本科学未来館 ジオ・コスモスコンテンツコンテスト2015」※をきっかけに企画・制作したコンテンツで、私たち地球に生きる人間の時刻の概念を直感的に学べるようなモーショングラフィックス。
オリジナルバージョンである球体ディスプレイバージョン(ジオ・コスモス コンテンツ コンテスト2015 入選)を日本科学未来館のシンボル展示、地球ディスプレイ「ジオ・コスモス」で、
※日本科学未来館 ジオ・コスモス コンテンツ コンテスト
This project was planned as content for time signal announcing the fixed time. Its theme is that "time" which we use as standard on the globe is decided by the movement of astral body as well as the position on the globe.
Cosmic zoom of the "Time"
Based on the concept of cosmically zooming time scale itself, we depicted a directorial technique of cosmically zooming which will contrast the size of the space by time scale itself.
Time unfolds in following manners:-
"Years counted by orbital motion of the globe"
"Seasons created by orbital motion and the tilt of the Earth's axis"
"Days counted by rotational movement"
"Such rotation is divided into hours and minutes by angular degree"
And the last frame of this project indicates various time zones by showing that 12:00 midnight is 12:00 noon on the opposite side of the globe, 12:00 noon in one country is 13:00 on the country next to it, etc. which visualizes the sense that the time on the globe also indicates the location.
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