We have created a 3D fulldome film as a new program for the Dome Theater Gaia at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan).
This 30-minute work is a new a kind of science/entertainment film by the film director Takashi Shimizu, with Omnibus Japan participating from the planning stage of the overall visual composition to the actual production itself.
Other production team members include Synichi Yamamoto as Visual Director, Seiichi Sega overseeing the VFX scenes including abstract expressions of scientific phenomena, and Yuuki Kawakami in charge of scientific visualizations with motion graphics.
During the course of 1-year production process, we worked together with Miraikan's Science Communicators, especially on scientific visualizations that feature difficult concepts such as the superstring theory,
the ‘world of nothing’ before the big bang, the birth of the Universe,and elementary particles, seeking ways on how they can effectively be depicted in the film. A trend for scientists and artists to collaborate with one another to discover new styles of expression has inspired us to create a production that is not only great entertainment, but also something that can be called a ‘scientific visualization artwork’
about topics such as extra dimensions, the string theory, and the origin of all creation.
In this scene, the characters and the background zoom into a micro-world, giving you a believable sensation that all matter is composed of atoms. We especially paid close attention to the arrangement of elements that is true to the actual composition of the human anatomy.
登場人物と風景が、ミクロの世界へズームして原子でできていることを体感するシーン。人体を構成する元素の 配分になるべく忠実に配置しています。
<Atom, electron>
The representation of electrons circling around the atomic nucleus has generally been illustrated using cyclical orbits, but in reality they appear randomly and only in specific areas around the atoms. When producing this film, we tried to review and re-examine those scientific expressions that are popular but falsely simplified.
原子核の周りを回る電子の表現は、一般的には軌道で表現されますが 実際には原子を中心とした特定の領域に
<Higgs boson, photon, neutrino >
Visualization of elementary particles. In order to illustrate that everything in the universe is composed of 17 elementary particles, we not only took on features that are easier to visualize, such as atoms, but also photons (with the movement of reflection at a physical object) and the Higgs boson (elementary particles slowing down by the mass given by the Higgs boson field).
<Grid space>
This scene visualizes the concept that at its smallest possible level space itself fluctuates constantly. The storyteller travels in and out of this fluctuating world; A technically challenging visual expression of mixing 3D dome images with live action, achieved through a series of careful and thorough simulations.
<Winding back the Universe>
In the scene showing the “rewinding” of time, tracing 13.8 billion years in history back to the creation of the Universe in just 2 minutes, a cosmological simulation system ‘Illustris’(*) was used to portray the formation of a virtual universe.
We have also visualized the universe just a few seconds before its birth with the atoms flying about, until the entropy becomes almost zero just before the big bang, so that these images would seamlessly fuse together with the simulation shots.
* Visualized data were provided by the Illustris project, undertaken by a scientific team comprising multiple research institutions including Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, and Cambridge University, in cooperation with Mr. Takaaki Takeda(Vasa Entertainment Inc.)
<The Big Bang>
One visualization for which we especially put in a good amount of time and efforts is the ‘The Big Bang, and the world of nothing before the Big Bang’.
We had many heated discussions regarding the Big Bang with Prof. Ooguri(California Institute of Technology), the scientific advisor for the project, during the limited time of his stay in Japan. We continued to seek his advice through a series of email correspondences after that, and finally showed him the actual test pieces at the 3D dome to decide on the ultimate visual expression.
None of us – our team at Omnibus Japan, director, and scientific communicators – wanted the explosive expansion commonly used to express the Big Bang. Instead, we shared an image from early on that the visual expression here should be the universe itself swelling instantaneously. By combining different expressions and displaying them onto the screen all at the same time, we created an image that captured a unique moment far beyond human understanding.
Traveling further back in time, we also visualized the concept of the world before the creation of the universe, when there was absolutely nothing. Expressing the world of ‘nothing’ is a process of scientific visualization which also concerns philosophical thinking. We had numerous discussions with the science communicators on this topic and decided to interpret this world of ‘nothing’ using our senses and feelings. We associated it with an ocean or a forest at midnight, where even though there is no one and nothing there, you still feel a certain presence. This was a segment where we added emotions in order to create a scientific expression.
そのビックバンをさらにさかのぼり、宇宙が生まれる前の無の世界の概念を可視化しました。「無」という世界の表現は、サイエンスビジュアライゼーションであるとともに、哲学的な要素も含みます。 科学コミュニケーターとディスカッションを重ねながら、最終的にはその世界観を、『感性』で表現することにしました。 「なにもない」という世界→気配だけが存在する「真夜中の海」や「真夜中の森林」をイメージして、少しだけ心象風景 的なエッセンスを加えたパートです。
<Visualization of CERN data>
Based on the data provided by CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), we were able to visualize an experiment of protons colliding with each other and creating new elementary particles.
< Calabi-Yau generator>
A Calabi-Yau manifold visualizing the concept of the extra six dimensions of space that are folded and compactified tightly. In the film, these dimensions are symbolized and appear in the form of a 3D object. We developed an application to create this symbol object based on theoretical physics equations.
During the production process, we used VR together with a viewer software we developed to simulate how the images are screened on the dome at Miraikan.
Client |
Production |
Director |
Visual Director |
CG/VFX Director |
Motion Graphic Artist |
Motion Graphic Designer |
Digital Artists |
Lead Matchmove Artist |
Technical Director |
Particle Accelerator Collison |
Research & Development |
Data Manager |
S3D Supervisor |
Producer |
Assistant Producer |
Scientific Advisor |