Omnibus Japan have directed the opening title sequence and ending sequence of the TV series “Code: Mirage”.
For the title sequence, we used a high-end video production software “flint” to build an effect program resembling video feedback. We then entered into the program the digital camera footages that were gathered from our fieldwork in Tokyo, constructing the sequence with materials resulting from the effect. An improvising production method was adopted throughout the title sequence.
On the other hand, the ending sequence involved some advance planning using storyboards, and the shooting was done efficiently in a movie studio under precise simulation of the shooting materials.
Both sequences are motion graphics that represent the world underlying the story and the deep theme behind it.
オープニングでは、ハイエンド映像制作ソフトの"flint "を使って、ビデオフィードバックのようなエフェクトプログラムを構築。そのプログラムに、デジタルカメラを持ってフィールドワークで集めてきた東京のフーテージを入力し、出来上がった素材で映像を構成していく、という即興的な制作方法を採用。
Production |
Opening sequences: |
Director |
Motion Graphics |
Ending sequences: |
Creative Director |
Director and Motion Graphics |
Camera |
Producer |
Production Manager |