Since 2013, we have participated in a public art project called “Shinjuku Creators Festa”. Voice of Vision took part in this festival in 2018.
Using traditional electronic music as its motif, Voice of Vision suddenly starts a countdown toward something undescribed. With a techno-pop taste, this countdown graphic appears in the city of Shinjuku out of nowhere.
This graphic is an experimental collaboration between graphic creator Seiya Nakano and musician duo Satoshi & Makoto.
Seiya Nakano is one of the most profound technical director in Japan with an abundant experience from projection mapping to large-sized graphic installation. The members of the duo Satoshi & Makoto met at Kraftwerk’s Japan tour. They released their music from a Dutch music label called Safe Trip and has gained reputation since then.
Their music is very unique. For Voice of Vision, Satoshi & Makoto used vintage synthesizer from the ‘80s and ‘90s and created this music by intricately simulating each sound.
The equipment we used for both graphic and sound are all vintage and utilized various techniques. Therefore, we isolated ourselves from the up-to-date mainstream machines.
It is said that the origin of techno-pop is the ‘80s classic old school. This music is an homage to the origin and we made an attempt to collaborate with the artists who can feel empathy with this idea.
今回は映像を中野誠也(Seiya Nakano)氏、音楽をSatoshi & Makotoというアーティストと実験的にコラボレーションしました。
中野誠也氏はプロジェクションマッピングや大型映像インスタレーションで、日本の数多くの有名なプロジェクトを手掛けてきたテクニカルディレクターで、音楽のSatoshi & Makotoは、Kraftwerkの来日ライブで出会ったアーティストで、オランダ safe trip レーベルからリリースした作品が話題を呼んでいます。
音楽はオリジナルで、Satoshi & Makotoが今回のために80〜90年代のビンテージシンセサイザーや、緻密にシミュレートした音源を駆使して制作しました。
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