90年代からメディアアーティストとしてのビデオアートに取り組み、中谷芙二子氏のビデオギャラリーSCANや日本の実験映像のアンダーグラウンドセンターとして歴史を持つImage Forumに参加。
19年からはアンビエントレーベル12KのCorey Fuller氏と都市の中に静寂を作るアンビエント作品を3作品発表した。
02年に手がけたSony MusicのCI以降、au、Panasonic、HITACHIなど企業のモーションロゴやEXPO、映画やTVタイトルバックなどでモーショングラフィックの作品を多く手がける。
11年にNHK BS Waveで、放送時間によって移り変わるグラフィックを制作。
13年に日本科学未来館の地球ディスプレイ作品「軌跡〜The Movements」を発表。
16年日本科学未来館 3Dドーム映像作品「9次元から来た男」でビッグバン宇宙論や次元など抽象的・科学的な概念の可視化。
オランダ ワールドワイドビデオフェスティバル 選出
ベルリン ビデオフィルム・フェスト 選出
ニューヨーク フィリップモリス アートアワード 入選
日本 文化庁メディア芸術祭 入選
イギリス Promax BDA ゴールド賞
While presenting his works at festivals in Japan and abroad as an artist, he is also a motion graphic artist for Omnibus Japan, one of Japan's leading digital production companies. He has won many awards for his work on corporate branding, EXPOs, and movie title sequences.
In recent years, he has worked on projects as the company's Executive Creative Director, such as video works in urban spaces, videos for permanent exhibitions in public areas, curation of art festivals, AR/XR projects, and scientific video productions in planetariums with scientists. He runs superSymmetry, a horizontal collaboration with technologists, scientists, musicians, and artists of traditional culture, and works to expand the existing video field.
He has been work on video art as a media artist since the 1990s, participating in Fujiko Nakaya's video gallery SCAN and Image Forum, which has a long history as an underground center for experimental video in Japan.
With the approach of "video as an extension of electric music," which is different from the method of film, he has presented many works at art festivals in Japan and abroad.
Around 2000, amid the digital graphic movement, he collaborated with musicians such as Rei Harakami and Pardon Kimura to produce motion graphics video works.
Currently he mainly collaborates with the musician Intercity-Express, and has given audio-visual performances in Canada's MUTEK, Mexico, Saudi Arabia and Belgium.
Since 2019 years, he has released three ambient works with Corey Fuller of the ambient label 12K, creating silence in the city.
Since completing his work on the Sony Music corporate identity in 2002, he created many motion graphics for companies such as au, Panasonic, and HITACHI, including motion logos, EXPOs, and movies and TV title sequences.
2011 - Developing graphics for NHK BS Wave that change according to the time.
2013 - Presented a globe display focusing on big data and science visualization (titled "Kiseki - The Movements") at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation.
2014 - Produced a scale visualization contrasting the shortness of human time with the immensity of geologic time for the NHK special Hairo E No Michi ("The Road to Reactor Decommissioning")
2016 - Produced 3D works for planetariums exploring the Big Bang Theory, dimensions, and String Theory, and produced abstract scientific concept visualizations such as 9 Jigen Kara Kita Otoko ("The Man from the 9th Dimension")
2019 - Produced an installation video for the exhibition "MANGA⇔TOKYO" at La Villette Park in Paris, France.
In 2020, he will present the work for the main dome of the newly completed "Shanghai Planetarium" in Shanghai, China.
Worldwide Video Festival - Official Selection
Videofest Berlin - Official Selection
Phillip Morris Art Award - Recipient
Japan Media Arts Festival - Official Selection
SIGGRAPH - Official Selection
SIGGRAPH Asia - Official Selection
PromaxBDA - Gold Award Recipient